Fallow Stag, Knowle Park.

Fallow Stag, Knowle Park.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

* Meet My New Friend.*

Over the past week I have got a new friend. I have been throwing dried meal worms out on the front lawn for a few birds, the main two being a Wood Pigeon and a male Blackbird. The Wood Pigeon was eating most of them so I started to move the meal worms closer towards us a little at a time. It is now a week later and we are feeding him 2 to two and a half feet from the patio doors, Pam has named him CHEEKY. The distance from the patio doors is not on the outside but  INSIDE.
Once we have opened the patio doors we know he isn't far away.  He doesn't mind the sounds coming from the television, or us talking, he just comes and goes as he pleases.
I am trying to get Cheeky to come further in to feed. When he helps himself, he often flicks some bits about, if they are a reasonable size he does eat them. I have added a few pictures of him, they are not perfect because the light is always behind him.
He can often be seen lying on the grass with his wings stretched out. In the pictures below he is not quite  as he sometimes is.  

I took this photo last week on the common but I cannot put a name to it. I am sure some of you can help me out. Is it a orchid of some description?
 I also took these of what I think is a Large Skipper.

and finally a Comma.


  1. Ken ,
    Spot on with both .
    Common Spotted Orchid , can be found from almost purple to white like yours .
    Lg. Skipper identified by 'marbling' on the wings , and size .
    Think that bird has got you and Pam eating out of it's hand / wing .

  2. You'll have a flock of Goldfinch's in next ken!

  3. Greenie
    Thanks for identifying the orchid for me. Looks like I will be visiting the pet shop a bit more ofter.

    JR & Sue.
    Thank you, I will pass on your comment

    Ease up Warren I am having trouble looking after this one.

  4. You've only got one Ken, I've got a whole family after my meal worms. Not quite as bold as yours yet but I am working on it.

  5. Great stuff Ken. Hope your new friendship isn't just cupboard love!

  6. Mike.
    If you are as successful as me then you had better be prepared to dig deep into your pockets :-)

    We will have to wait and see on that one.
